Thursday, March 27, 2014

The restock has come and gone, getting ready for the next...

So with last nights restock being a success, we want to take this time to say THANK YOU to our loyal followers. Without you guys we wouldn't exist, so we owe it all to you. We try to do our best to make sure client satisfaction is number 1, between giveaways, shoutouts and any other little things we can come up with to make the experience an enjoyable one. 

With that being said what did you guys think about the Kobe 7 Galaxy for $1? What did you think about the restock in general? Your comments are appreciated so start commenting below! Stay tuned for the next restock date! 

Source: Nicekicks


  1. Can't believe I missed it! Had twitter alerts on and everything

  2. we have another soon! dont forget to put on the alarms!
